While looking for thumb picks to try and spice up my picking style, I came across the regular/traditional plastic ones and the newer look and feel plastic and metal ones.
I know that you’ve all seen the plastic thumb picks before and they all seem to have the same feel to them. When you put them on they have this loose tension to them. It has the illusion that it would slide off my thumb fairly easily and that poses a problem with me. While playing hockey I tend to almost squeeze the sap out of it when playing and I bring that attitude to my guitar game.
The one that Tim Cameron directed me to was the National “L” one.
This one has a different feel to it all together. It has a nice firm feel all the way around your thumb, but the exposed pick maybe a little bit too big and clunky for my liking.
The next one that I was shown was a little bit unique from your everyday thumb pick. This one is called the PROPIK.
The one to the left is called a Good Grip Thumb Pick.
I liked this one because it allows me to adjust the tension of it to my liking. The best feature of this one is that the exposed pick that I will attack the strings with is smaller then most thumb picks.
I do not need a big clumsy thing on my thumb that is not as precise as a regular guitar pick. Therefore I give this product one thumbs up! Get it?
If you use any of these picks, please let us know the pros and cons of each one!
Keep on Jammin’
Hi Chris
A little trick with plastic thumb picks you might know it. I don’t use them but I’ve seen it done by guys that use them…drop them in hot water to change the shape a little to fit your thumb, you might go thru a few till you get it right.
The other thing with normal picks, to get the rough dge off, rub them hard into the carpet, it will give it a smoother edge…there is a knack to it but it works for some players. A guy I used to play guitar with had mastered it.
Regards Tony
Tony, I’ve never ever heard of molding a pick to your finger before. What a fabulous idea! I think that your really have something with this idea, thanx.
As for smoothing down the side of your pick, this too is a novel idea. I use a Jim Dunlop 1 mm. and it does has a rough edge to it. I guess that I just got use to to it and that’s it.
Any more ideas that you have that we may have not thought of? You certainly caught everyones eyes with you very original ideas. I’ve had people directly e-mail me and said that you have some wonderful ideas.
Thanx man and …
Keep on Jammin’
Most manufacturers leave their picks a little long on the principal that it’s easier to shorten a long pick than lengthen one that’s too short.
You file it down to the length you’re comfortable with.
As for molding them, I prefer steaming them in front of a teapot spout (rather than boiling them). Just keep your fingers out of the way!
I guess it’s better to have something to long then short.
I like the teapot idea, just don’t have any drinks while your doing it!
Thanx for the comment Kris!