This is a song that I just love playing! It has everything a player, with heavy rythum guitar influences would want.
The rhythm is very catchy. It’s Simon and Garfunkel so everyone has at least heard the song one. The chord can be played in such a way that they all open with really big fat sounds to them!
The biggest thing about this tune is the drummer is and drumming itself. I can play the drums at a decent level but I would love to play this song the way that only Steve Gadd can.
I have never seen a drummer play with 2 sticks in his hand but this guy certainly does and he does it well!
If your a drummer looking at this post here is a challenge for you! Go get on your kit and try this one out. Wait until you reach 0:48 on the video counter at the bottom left of the screen. Try it out and get back to us! If your not a drummer, go and get the old pots and pans out or if your not that ambitious then do it air drumming style!
Keep on Jammin’
Yeah, this is one of the songs that made me fall in love with drumming. You can get the Steve Gadd videos and he breaks it down. I believe it is a mozambique pattern he is basing it off of.
I play a very much simplified version of it, but it allows me to play along with the track.
Another of my favorites is 50 ways to leave your lover. Hi hat pattern rocks.
Thanx for writing on this post there Matt!
He does break it down quite nicely, even for the beginner drummer. This is one of my fav’s to play live because I can make this tune have a real BIG SOUND to it!
50 ways is another one that is fun and challenging to play. The guitarists who can pull this one off live, is someone to keep your eye on. And yes, the Hi hat rocks in my eyes too!
Keep on Jammin’ Matt
Hey Matt,
Just came across your blog, unfortunately this video has been removed so I can’t watch it!
I saw a similar video once of a guy playing with two drumsticks in each hand, its actually much more difficult than you would imagine. I tried it myself and even after playing the drums for 10 years, I struggled picking this up!
I guess its like most things though, if you put in the hard work and dedication it does pay off!
Hey James, it’s Chris not Matt (LOL).
I just put in another video that Steve Gadd had done a couple of years ago and this vidoe is from a DVD release. I hope you enjoy it buddy!
Great video! Although the four stick thing adds a little to the difficulty of playing this, I think the real challenge is to play that sticking with the same feel as Steve Gadd does! The same with the fifty ways thing. I worked that out and posted a little lesson on youtube about it, but the real difficulty is making it feel right. As you say, there is only probably My Gadd himself who can play it so beautifully!