This little device looks like something that would be found in an old Frankenstein black and white movie or something out of the Hilarious house of Frightenstein.
The inventors name was Leon Theremin and the Theremin was built in 1918. Vladimir Lenin liked the instrument so much that he actually took lessons!
This instrument was made more main stream while Jimmy Page of Zed Zeppelin used it in the studio and on stage. He plays this instrument in Whole Lotta Love and No Quarter.
You don’t really have to touch it to make sounds, get that all of you out there that say they can’t play any instruments! This video will show you how so check it out ok, you know who you are!
Keep on Jammin’
This is an interesting instrument. I play the piano and my husband is a guitarist.- classical though.
This Week On
It’s a little hard to say Jimmy Page “plays” the theremin :). For much bettter examples, check out music by Clara Rockmore, Lydia Kavina, and Masami Takeuchi.
I have no musical talent at all, and my husband is convinced (he’s a musician) that I could play the theremin.
I didn’t realize at the end of “Good Vibrations” by the Beach Boys that they used one.