So I hope that everyone out there is having a great start to their summer!
As you may all ready have known, I have not been posting that much on this site. Well to tell you the truth, I’ve been working in the backyard gardening! Yes gardening! And let’s not forget the odd family adventure!
My wife and I have both been blessed with being bit by the gardening bug. We’ve had around 56 roses and about 1100 plants in there and loving every minute of it. We tend to be of the extreme variety.
Ever since I was quite young, I’ve had my fingers in the soil. It started off cutting the grass, de-weeding the flower beds and a bit of planting. Truth be told, I’m not that great at planting the greenery, my wife is strictly in charge of that area!
She is the one who does all the research into it and I must say that I do catch on eventually to her technique. There is so much to learn on gardening forums about this hobby that even to this day, it really blows my mind!
As for the family thing, I’ve been in Brantford more lately (sorry for not calling ya Dom, I will get around to it next time I’m there!) the biggest thing I had to do was putting up this massive fence at my parents.
Figuring out where exactly to start digging post holes, cementing them (I hope that they’re all relatively straight), placing the horizontal 2 x 4’s, making sure all is level … It was a hectic couple of days in the sun and rain, but it was all worth it. The multiple hangover days I could have done without.
So hopefully I get back to the task at hand that is to start to entertain you all with my less the grammatically correct writing/English!
Keep on Jammin’
Everyone needs a break from everything. Spending time with flowers can refresh our body and mind. I’m sure you’ll be back on posting shortly
Me too.. I am having troubles in creating my posts but I am enjoying my other past time. that is playing with my newly bought guitar.
yea summer time really kills the blogging mood. But hey thats what winter is for!
Thanx Balontang for understanding!
Keep on Jammin’, even in the garden!!!
Nice to hear Harvey! What did ya get?
Keep on Jammin’, especially in the summer time!
Ha! Beautiful Even, i never thought about it that way, thanx man!