I’ve never been in a Mosh Pit before but it sure looks fun! A Mosh Pit looks like something that you should experience at least once in your life, if your in GREAT shape that is. This pic shows that it’s open up for anyone and isn’t that what life’s all about?! Has anyone out there been in one before I’d love to know what it is all about!

God that looks like a blast doesn't it!
Keep on Jammin’
Might need a wheelchair after being in a moshpit but usually not when you’re in it. I was in a few and you get whirled around so much that you could be even thrown outside it in a blink.
Good one Steve! Being thrown out? Was it the bouncer?! (LOL)
Wow. If that photo doesn’t signify rock and roll, I don’t know what does…
Gonna send it to my paraplegic musician friend, if you don’t mind.
Rock on.
As long as it won’t be insulting to your buddy Fred, then …
Keep on Jammin’
Wow cool guy.
Let’s see some more of that, it gives me a smile on the lips
Wow Konkurrencer?! A smile on my lips, I’ve never heard it phrased quite like that before.
Thanx for the comment