Where do you see you favorite band’s music video, on the internet (Youtube or other internet sites) or on TV? I have to admit that I view pretty much all music video’s on youtube more then on TV. I’m just not all that interested in the programing of today’s music stations except maybe for AUX TV or HDNet concert series.
Way back in the day you could only see band video’s on dedicated music channels like MTV, MuchMusic … Where did you first see Micheal Jackson’s Thriller on? For me it was at a buddy of mine when we were watching the Toronto based MuchMusic channel. To be honest with you, I never ever come across this station while I’m TV surfing. In today’s world, Music video’s seem to be a endangered species on TV but with the advent of the internet they appear to be thriving.
Most company exec’s don’t think that this means the end of music video’s, it just that today’s bands are using a different form of media in which to launch their products to you. As well as, we now have the power and options to view them anywhere and at our convenience. An example of this is with your cellphone. When I was a kid in the early 80’s, cellphones where mainly used for business people or for those people who had more dollars then sense. Man have things changed since then!
“Now that MTV has actually come out and literally said, ‘We don’t play music videos anymore’ … people don’t have to make videos to fit into the MTV mould, and that mould was you essentially had to make a commercial with your song in it,” Canadian Press
So my question to you is where do you view your favorite music video’s?
Keep on Jammin’
For me I saw my favorite band’s first music video on my VCD Player. GNR – Sweet Child ‘o Mine. It’s one of my favorite songs and their one of my favorite bands.
I usually go to youtube. They don’t play anything good on TV.
I’m with you too Guitar Videos! I just wonder where it was that TV lost it’s way? It use to be a magically place to go to and escape but not so much now in my eyes!
Keep on Jammin’