I cannot find the correct words to describe this beautifully crafted custom made chrome electric guitar. Just look at the detailed work that had to go into something like this. Did the craftsman etch out the pattern on it? Did he or she make a mold then put it into a press to create this master piece?
I found this one when I was on line late one night and I was completely captivated by the intricate arrangement. I attempted to zoom into the name that is in between the pick ups but I couldn’t. The mounts that hold the pick ups are really nice. The tailpiece is so rock hard looking that it appears that it can take a beating! Then there is the distinctive bridge footings that make me think that the person who developed it paid tons of attention when forging it.
The only thing that I find odd about this beauty is that there are only two controls on it. If you make a piece of instrument art why don’t you give the musician(s) more options to tailor fit your sound. That is the only issue that I have with this guitar.
In all honesty, I think that I’d just put this baby under glass and never play on it. I’d be too afraid to scratch it, enjoy!
Keep on Jammin’
That is a Zemaitis custom made guitar, very nice and very expensive.
Wow…very cool! Is it heavy? What does it sound like?
You should definitely play it. Guitars are meant to be played, not displayed under glass!
Lou, thanx for the info on the maker of this guitar. I tried for hours trying to figure out who they were and you come along with the answer in seconds!
This company has fabricated some mice axes! I hope that everyone checks out their site. I was just on it and I really love what they do!
Keep on Jammin’ Lou!
I wish that I could tell you more about the custom made guitar that Zemaitis creates there Blues Licks Junkie, but I just found out who they are a little while ago.
Wow! It’s quite a beauty, How long did it take to craft?
That guitar is really cool, it reminds me of how high end fire arms have engravings and artwork done in the metal. No need to have a pick guard when the entire face of the guitar is made out of metal.
I’m not sure Electric Guitars. I actually wonder if it was stamped or hand etched.
Good point Steves Electric Guitar!