Now this a river boat (guitar) that I’d love to take for a spin around Toronto’s waterfront! I bet that this is what David Wilcox was thinking of when he made that great tune of his called River Boat Fantasy.
Keep on Jammin’ (just watch out for those buoys)
Absoulutely superb, what a way to get about!!
Just imagine the pickup lines that someone could use on this thing!
Thanx for the comment Matt!
wow that’s a guitar!
You can say that again Kevin. The only thing I don’t know know about this guitar boat is how many miles to a song this thing gets, ha!
Keep on Jammin’ Kevin
Lol! What a great idea, its not everyday you see that!;)
I’m not sure who own this boat but if you run across it anywhere please send me a link Elliot.
Thanx for the comment Elliot
wow amazing guitar boat…i wounder if the guitar it can play a song???
I hope your kiddin’ Free Traffic!
What a lame gimmck!
I thought that it was just funny, that’s all that I was going for Kenya.
I love this boat ! EXCELLENT !
Just think about the expressions of people’s faces when you pass them on the highway pulling this thing behind ya … priceless!!!