Wow, my wife just bought a Kindle 2 eBook Reader! She bought it on line through Amazon. It’s a 6 inch screen and comes with some really neat stuff. I never really thought that we’d pick up something like this, but we did.
It comes with dictionary, text only web browser (this is in the US only damn it!), and a wireless 3G device. Our new Kindle 2 is slim at just over 1/3 of an inch, which is as thin as most magazines. The device is light weighting in at 10.2 ounces, lighter than your average paperback.
The Kindle looks quite paper like in it’s display without the glare that you sometimes get in some devices, even in bright sunlight. I wonder if you can adjust the brightness of the screen itself. Our notebook screen is not all that bright in the sunlight which pisses me off when I’m in the backyard trying to do some work. They claim the battery life on the Kindle is very long, up to 1 week on a single charge. It carries up to 1,500 books. You can find a fair amount of free books at Amazon and other book stores online. We’ve already downloaded some onto our notebook to be uploaded to our new Kindle when it arrives.
Read-to-Me is a neat feature my wife told me about. With it’s experimental Text-to-Speech feature, Kindle can read newspapers, magazines, blogs, and books out loud to you, unless the book’s rights holder/owner made this feature unavailable. Perfect for after more then a few light refreshing liquid beverages, ha!
She bought a electrical wall mount charger, car charger, ear phones and last, but not least the Amazon leather cover. I’m forever scratching electronic screens, I should take a pic of my phone so you can see what I mean, so this will come in very handy.
The only bad thing about buying it here in Canada is the custom and duty taxes $33 (CAN) that comes with it, but hey, no use complaining too much. We should be getting out little hands on it this Wednesday, so sometime after that expect another post about our new addition to our home!
Do you have a Kindle? How do you like it?
Keep on Kindlin’!
The Kindle 2 is definitely a good Ebook reader. It is much better than staring at a laptop screen and far more flexible than paper books. However, I want to first look into other Ebook readers such as the Barnes & Noble nook, Sony Reader Daily Edition PRS-900, and Elonex Ebook.
Ya, we love it Bass Lessons! We just rec’d a cover that adds a nice feel to it like a book. I know, the Kindle is designed to have a non-book feel to it but this works really well.
I’ve never heard of the Barnes & Noble nook, so I’ll have to look into it right now, thanx Bass Lessons!
I was on the fence for months before I finally decided to order my Kindle 2. I had been reading such mixed reviews about the device and about Amazon’s customer service that I simply could not decide about the purchase. This review is for all of those people, like me, that cannot decide if they need a Kindle 2 for themselves. Well, struggle with the decision no more and ORDER IT! I am so happy with my Kindle 2 and I look forward to reading it every single day. All of the problems that I was worried about are not problems at all. Downloading books is easy, the screen is NOT too dark, the font size is adjustable and the Kindle customer service support is terrific. I had a problem with my Kindle 2 and I was instantly connected with the most helpful representative. I did not have to wait on hold and the problem was solved in no time. I have made the highest recommendations of the Kindle 2 to my friends and family and will continue to do so in the future. I can say with absolute confidence, if you order your own Kindle 2 you will not be disappointed!!!
I’ve been on the fence about going with a Kindle. I recently started reading on my iPhone which is great because its always with me. The larger screen and other features the Kindle have are intriguing.
I have also been using my iphone, but am going to break down and get the kindle 2. The new kindle is very sleek looking and I the bigger screen should be nice especially for trips.
Good idea Kevin! Don’t be cheap and not get the leather cover for it … it’s worth it my friend.
The only draw back about the Kindle 2 is that you cannot brighten the screen up when you go outside and read, it’s just a small irriation in my mind Gadget Guy.
Kindle 2 is quite good. Not until Amazon released their Kindle 3. It has some added features while still keeping the great features from the 2 of its predecessors. I even bought one. What I like about this kindle 3 is it now has a bigger screen display and bigger memory storage. Thanks!