Canada’s 16th Vintage Guitar Show is a great event to check out some nice vintage guitars. It will be held Saturday June 26th 1:00 to 8:00pm to Sunday June 27th from 11:00am to 5:00pm. This guitar festival is located at Scarborough Community Center 3600 Kingston Road (at Markham Road) Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. See Map for details. The price of admission is a reasonable $10.00 at the door.
I just came back from this year’s show, my first ever I might add, and I liked what I saw. The main vendor and it’s driving force behind the gathering of like minded individuals is Tundra Music. They were the largest both there by far. The amount of guitars on display was breath taking. My favorites were
- 1969 Gold Top Les Paul for $20,000
- a nice well used 1936 Martin acoustic for $25,000
- a beautiful 1957 Fender Strat, the price for this one I didn’t get. Damn I wish I had more dollars the cents!
I went to the show just for the fun of it and to be around some vintage guitars. To be amongst other guitar enthusiasts is a great feeling. There was no special effects anywhere on the floor just straight forward rock and roll guitars.
The one smaller but very experienced vendor that I liked was Terry Gallie. He had some great guitars on display for us at the this years show. He may of had a much limited variety to view then Tundra Music but it was his intensity that was infectious. His company is called Atomic Age Vintage and you can get a hold of him at (416) 423-4617 or e-mail him directly at to see what he has in store for you.
Another merchant was K.S. Sound from Schooner Cove Nova Scotia. He had some interesting guitars for sale and was very friendly and helpful to talk to. This is just a hobby for him at this point but he plans to jump in with both feet when he retires later on this year. I’ll have to go back next year to see how he is doing with his new venture.
Then there was this other small both that was showcasing his personal collection for guitars. He is from Hamilton but I didn’t get his name due to so many wandering around him trying to inquire about his stock at the show.
In a future post I’ll put some pic’s up for all of you to see exactly what I saw at Canada’s 16th Vintage Guitar Show. So if your in Toronto this weekend, NO PROTESTER’s PLEASE, then stop on by to take in this years show. I’m more then sure there is something at the festival for everyone!
Keep on Jammin’
Nice to know about this show. I honestly did not realize there were so many great guitar shows around the world. I know some of the top collectors in the USA who specialize in the buying and selling guitars of guitars but have never been to a show.
I’m glad to make you aware of this event zippyblogmaster. I thought that this show was well laid out, had excellent exhibitors who actually took time to answer questions and a nice sized crowd on hand.
I too know of many buyers and sellers who never have set foot inside a show. Personally, I would not drop $20,000.00 on a guitar during a show like this. When purchase a guitar, I REALLY TAKE my time playing it. I play everything in my musical arsenal to push and test it to it’s extreme limits of playability.
Otherwise the show was great to witness and I think it is a fabulous venue to get together with other guitar lovers and swap stories!
Hope to see you there at next years festival zippyblogmaster.
Keep on Jammin’