Since we’re starting to put our vinyl records collection into a digital format to put on our new iPod, I couldn’t help but notice that there will be a vinyl record show coming up right down the street from us on Sunday March 27 2011. It’s run by The Record Guys and it looks like it will be a blast. This event is in it’s 3rd year I think so they’re not some fly by night operation.
… the show has become a haven for collectors of all ages whose love of Vinyl, CDs, Paper Goods and other music collectables just can’t be quenched.
Just looking at our old record collection brings back such fond memories. We only took a quick look at our collection downstairs and they look to be ok. We have them in these thick old computer boxes that I got when I worked at this computer company called Kortex Computers, and put them on top of an old skid that places them around 8 inches off the ground.
So if your looking for something to do this weekend in the East End of Toronto this weekend then drop me a comment on this post and we’ll head off there for a blast!
Keep on Jammin’
I just started a vinyl record collection of classic rock that I enjoy. Jimi Hendrix, and Black Sabbath mostly. Records seem to sound more crisp to my ears than say a CD or MP3. So if you record your vinyl into MP3 would that defeat the purpose?
I’m not that sure David because I’ve not done it yet. When I do, I’ll post about it.
Keep on Jammin’
So converting vinyl to an iTunes library is cool. I was able to grab a lot of random albums from my dad’s collection. But I wish there was a way to grab the liner notes too. I mean, you can go on iTunes and buy an old album as a download, but it doesn’t come with the additional four pages of artwork and lyrics and tell you who is playing what instrument on each song. I guess you could take photos as you convert.
I too am a little bit pissed about not being able to locate the proper liners fgv. The only way it to do what you said about scanning the originals.