Hello everyone on-line!
This is my second attempt at blogging on my own so wish me luck, I’ll need it!
So, my name is Chris and I’m originally from Brantford, Ontario, Canada. This site is dedicated to the progression (or regression) of my journey on becoming a guitar player.
This page is here to express new idea’s on how to look at guitar playing from a different approach as well. I am known for being quite a task master in my approach to teaching. In a way you may say that I’m an old school teacher in how I teach/practice, ask my wife.
I take apart every song that I figure out and put it back again. I attempt to have/play as many strings as possible to give it a FULL FAT sounding tune. I love to input as many parts (little obvious runs) from the other instruments into this as humanly possible, instead of just playing/strumming a simplistic melody.
I try to incorporate inverted chords that allow playing in other positions on the neck that make it easier to achieve what the other instruments are doing in order to have that BIG sound. I know that you’ve heard this before but going over and over and over the very basics will help you achieve this easier, and in some cases, when you break down a song and put it back together, some of the basics that you were taught and did not get at first will come roaring back into you head saying “that’s what that thing is used for!!!” It’s like when you were in school and your too afraid to ask the teacher to go over as certain part of a study because you think that your the only one in the room who didn’t get? Come on, everyone has been there, done that and got the t-shirt right? You want to ask the teacher to repeat something and you look around at your fellow students and they look as if they got it, but more then likely they didn’t! this reminds me of the words ” when I look in their eyes, they’re running too” from Jackson Browne running on empty.
So that’s the end of this lesson, so until i blog again, when figuring out tunes on your own, listen to what every instrument is playing and pay attention to what licks each one is using when approaching a certain part of each song!