It’s always interesting to hear what lengths some will go to, in order to break out of prison. Take the inmate at an El Salvador jail who was caught with a hand grenade stuffed up his backside. Novel idea indeed!
During a security clamp down guards at the San Francisco Gotera prison just outside the capital San Salvador found a V40 grenade, approximately the size of a golf ball, lodged inside the man’s rectum.
The search also revealed 16 other inmates who had each swallowed a mobile phone.
“We’ll have to expel the objects and if they won’t come out we’ll have to perform surgery in hospital,” said Alberto Uribe, a spokesman for the El Salvador prison service.
These inmates aren’t too bright are they? Neither are their visitors – read on.
Just last year prison guards caught a female visitor with an M67 grenade in her vagina. She was visiting an inmate in the overcrowded La Esperanza-Mariona prison on the northern fringes of San Salvador.
It’s common for prisoners in the Central American country to use weapons in attempted escapes or to attack fellow inmates and prison guards. Cellular phones are used to order free gang members to commit crimes or smuggle narcotics. They’re probably used to request that weapons be brought into the prison as well.
I heard about the backside story before. Never heard about the vagina one though. You’d think that would be uncomfortable.
Do not forget the extra cell phone batteries and chargers. I cannot believe someone is so dumb to put a grenade to their nether regions.
Ouch, that sounds painful!
Truly an Odd Planet!! (-:
Sort of brings on a whole new image to an accidental blow out
Just wanted to leave a Gazoo for any Blogazoo reader that stops by.
My day job is Corrections Officer. Most of the drugs in jail are kept in the inmate’s rectums. It’s rare that an inmate is stupid enough to keep contraband in their cells, because when we go in, we know those cells better than they do and we find everything. Drugs are _almost_ never found because the inmates know this and keep them up their butts.
When we do use a dog during searches tobacco is usually found. Apparently tobacco isn’t valuable enough to go to the trouble of shoving it up your bunghole.