Did you know that new regulations came into effect in Beijing China that will affect cab drivers? Apparently drivers whose cabs are smelly will be suspended for two days while they undergo “rectification and reform” guidance.
The city is trying to improve it’s image before next years Olympics. Cabbies can be banned for such things as spitting or smoking, wearing big earrings, outrageous dress styles or radical hairstyles.
“Many drivers pay no attention to appearances. Their mouths stink of garlic and their bodies smell, making the whole cab foul. It creates a bad impression for the taxi industry,†Yao Kuo, head of the transportation management office, was quoted as saying.
“As a service industry, taxis have to think about appearances. So from now on, dying hair a bright red or yellow and making weird hairdos is banned,†Yao said. Shi Xiangpeng, a top political adviser, complained bitterly about the odor of Beijing’s taxis. “Sometimes I could smell an unbearable stink once I got into the cab,†he was quoted by Xinhua news agency as saying.
Good to know the Cabbie will be respectable as you drive past countless human rights offences.
It’s not only in Beijing you have to worry about that :/
lol that is so funny!
I heard a little something about this on the radio yesterday. Thank god someone is doing something about stinky cabbies!
Hey, I like that idea. These drivers are indeed in the service industry and should make your cab ride pleasant, especially since we pay so dearly.
Wow that is good news to hear. It is amazing how important appearance is for the analysis that people make on others. It can largely impact what people feel inside. If you take care of yourself and your physical appearance then people will respect you more.
Unfortunately there no trip to China planned in my schedule in the nearest future but it’s good news to know of and acknowledge.
I’d like to have a lift in a new taxi, especially if the driver is a Shaolin Monk.