Kitty needs a little hair of the dog! by Chris Looks like this little kitty partied a little too heartily last night! Maybe another beer, hair of the dog, will help it feel better? Doesn’t it’s eyes look a little demonic?
Hoto says October 22, 2007 at 12:17 pm when your cat starts drinken your beer it`s time to drink her milk lol nice photo
JCH says November 23, 2007 at 7:18 am Looks like he’s saying, ‘Get that ******* camera outta my face!’
kitty says July 30, 2010 at 4:32 am Nice photo,having a great party time kitty,but be alert, jerry is near you
One pissed pussy…
when your cat starts drinken your beer it`s time to drink her milk lol nice photo
Looks like he’s saying, ‘Get that ******* camera outta my face!’
Nice photo,having a great party time kitty,but be alert, jerry is near you