Smugglers will try anything won’t they? The latest interesting smuggling attempt involves bugs as mules.
Fortunately the smugglers attempt wasn’t successful.
A customs officer in the Netherlands too a close look at a consignment of more than 100 larger dead beetles that had been send from Peru and discovered that cocaine had been stashed inside them.
“We see a lot of things, but this was a first for us,” customs spokesman Kees Nanninga said.
“It looked like they were cut open, the drugs hidden in their backs and then they were glued back together again,” he said.
In total the insects held about 10 ounces of cocaine said to be worth about $11,000.
Hello! I´m mariano from “que curiosos” (
that blog from Argentina, I´ve already made a new post!
I hope you like it!
nice post!
see you
Drug smugglers are getting better at trying to conceal their products. Using the bugs gives them the added edge of their “Mules” can’t tell the authorities anything.
Of course, there’s always the chance of fingerprints on the bugs.
That pretty smart and cleaver for the smugglers to use bugs to conceal the drug. Great post!