Back in December a 25 year old woman was arrested for assaulting her then boyfriend.
The couple had been in the shower when they began arguing over whether the boyfriends dog could join them. The woman objected to allowing the dog in the shower stating it would be a relationship deal breaker. The boyfriend then responded by saying that he hoped his next girlfriend would appreciate the dog more.
According to police that was when the woman lost it and began punching her boyfriend several times in the face. The man apparently ended up with a dislocated shoulder as well!
Sounds pretty kinky to me.
Sheesh…I like dogs, and have had several pets, but that situation just reeks of…I don’t even know what. But it’s pretty weird. I think that the lady was justified in refusing, and I personally would have had the same — if somewhat violent — reaction if my significant other said they would break up with me over that kind of thing.
I haven’t been able to leave your page yet. Every time I read one of your articles I can’t believe that it really happened, and then there’s another one that is even crazier! I don’t really blame the girl for not wanting a wet dog in her shower. Maybe her man needs some help. Thanks for sharing!
wow, that was hilarious, dog in the shower lol, kinda weird, so a dog is really a man’s best friend lol.