A Wis. man, Peter W. Mischler, 48, came home on a Saturday after he’d been out hunting. He was upset with his 22 year old daughter, who was talking on the phone with her mother at the time, as she had let the goats out and they’d made a mess.
While the daughter was still on the phone the man told his daughter to ask her mother to bring home some beer but the wife refused.
Angrily he threatened to shoot the goats if she didn’t bring home beer.
She didn’t bring any beer home and shortly after she arrived back at the house the mother and daughter heard four gunshots outside. They went outside and found one of their two goats with it’s entrails hanging out.
Mischler was charged in Circuit Court with mistreatment of animals, possession of a firearm while intoxicated and disorderly conduct with a dangerous weapon.
The poor injured goat was shot by a deputy to put it out of it’s misery.
Mischler posted $1000 cash bond and was released. No word on whether he returned home to his wife and daughter.
We should all be glad that only the goat got shot.
Probably went to the bar to get some beer. It seems the only likely thing to do. That and maybe buy another goat replace the one he stupidly shot.
Wow, that is really idiotic. So, what kills a goat? A gun, to much bear or just a moronic person?
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.