Isn’t this sweet? It looks like the parrot wants to cuddle up with the kitten and take a nap with it. Aw!
Don’t they look cute together? I hope that when the kitten grows up it still likes it’s parrot friend!
Odd news, Strange Animals, Funny pictures, Dumb Criminals
by Chris
Aww! Just adorable. =)
haha. the beggining of either a beautiful friendship or a dangerous situation for the parrot.
Hey thats a sweet pic, but is the parrot really sleeping?i hope the kitten does not feel hungry all of a sudden.
Oh wow that is adorable. I hope the parrot does not get sick though because sometimes a cat can infect a deadly disease on the parrot.
this is the cutest thing i ever saw..i love how they are friends…a parrot and a kitten..who knew:)