Isn’t this sweet? It looks like the parrot wants to cuddle up with the kitten and take a nap with it. Aw!
Don’t they look cute together? I hope that when the kitten grows up it still likes it’s parrot friend!
Odd news, Strange Animals, Funny pictures, Dumb Criminals
by Chris
Kandi The Candy List says
Aww! Just adorable. =)
Vex says
haha. the beggining of either a beautiful friendship or a dangerous situation for the parrot.
Fresh jokes says
Hey thats a sweet pic, but is the parrot really sleeping?i hope the kitten does not feel hungry all of a sudden.
Mika Harimoto says
Oh wow that is adorable. I hope the parrot does not get sick though because sometimes a cat can infect a deadly disease on the parrot.
colemanworks says
this is the cutest thing i ever saw..i love how they are friends…a parrot and a kitten..who knew:)