Wordless Wednesday
Hmmm … if you’ve been saving all your beer bottles and not returning them to the liquor store, here’s an idea for you – turn them into a house!
This Australian man used 5,800 beer bottles to build his “bottle house”. It only took him 40 years to collect all the bottles.
Hey, he must have gotten that idea from the bottle house in Rhyolite, Nevada.
Only 40 years? I wanna party with this guy (smile).
Hey, why not, right?
Glass is a great architectural material.
Where do you store 5,800 beer bottles for 40 years. Its a very clever idea for bringing tourism into the area.
see what a smart and talented mind can do? Happy WW!
Hey, it’s a great way to recycle
Haha good on him. I can’t believe he spent 40 years doing that though. I bet he is a little bit crazy. Haha. : )
40 years that’s only 1 beer every 2 days…
This guy needed to drink a little more.
That’s recycling at it’s best. This guy should start a museum there or make it a local attraction to help keep the house up.
Next to the recycling aspect, this is also simplistic living at it’s best! Who says we need million dollar houses with swimming pools, private theaters and tennis courts?
So…if a strong gale force wind comes by won’t that be the end of his house? I’m just sayin’
40 years to save the beer bottles, and how many years to sober up afterwards?
hahah time to get sober!
total eccentric I can’t imagine, he spent 40 years doing that stuff…..
HaHa! I think thats a wonderful idea, and who says people arnt recycling hey!
I wonder how much he would get if he recycled his entire house
wow.. so patient! Taking 40 years to collect the bottles. I am very impressed to this man !