Well this is one smart cat!
Looks like he took a chance and stole a babies bottle. Ingenious way of getting a drink of milk! I wonder what other tricks this cat has up it’s sleeve?
Do you have a pet at home that sneaks food whenever it see it’s chance?
What a cute picture. They used to warn young mothers about having cats in the house when they had babies. Sorta for this reason. Cats smell the milk, would smoother the baby trying to get the milk. Though I never heard of that happening that was sorta of old wife’s tale.
wow it’s funny cat…if i have this cat..hahhahaaahaa…nice post.
I have one cat who is fat and tries to steal food whenever he has a chance.. he will try to steal it straight off of our plates!! They are evil little kitties arent they?? lol
Wow that cat is so cute!
funny how lazy he drinks milk haha..nice.
Very clever cat. Apparently those aren’t really spill proof bottles.
I have a schnauzer which used to do the exact same thing when our kids were young. To the point where it would actually go and take the bottle from the baby!
Aww, that’s so cute! I love cats.
That is beyond cute and into the realm of adorable.
How cute! I like the comment about the bottle not really being spill-proof. Something I’ve learned as a new parent. But yes I have a pit bull that steals my sons food right off his little table. It sits at the same height as my dogs head. It’s pretty funny!
That is beyond cute and into the realm of adorable.