If you don’t see the police in your local donut shop, chances are they tracked down a Dunkin’ Donuts truck and pulled it over!
I’m surprised that there aren’t more police cars surrounding this tasty truck load!I wonder what other kinds of food trucks they pull over regularly?
Ha, ha – made my morning.
Do you think the Dunkin Donuts guys just bribed the cops some donuts instead of giving up the license? Haha! Why do cops love donuts so much anyway… I mean, why are they so stereotypically in love with donuts?
LOL yeah maybe the driver bribed the cops with donuts. I’m not sure why cops love donuts so much, but the stereotype seems to be true – I mean whenever I drive by a donut shop there’s almost always a cop car outside!
Ha Ha Ha! this is funny. The cop just want to order some donuts.
I love this site…funny stuff!
This is hysterical! Maybe they woke up late and didn’t have time for their morning coffee and doughnuts. Thanks for sharing! I’ve enjoyed your posts!!
This is good stuff. They way cops drive they are the worst. I’ve seen tons of accidents where cops are the ones who actually caused it.