Something caught this owls eye. I just hope it’s head doesn’t stay that way.
It looks painful, doesn’t it?
Odd news, Strange Animals, Funny pictures, Dumb Criminals
by Chris
by Chris
Photo Theme. Visit participants. |
This weeks theme is LONG
This is a very tall water fall. It’s in Chicago, downtown. The water has a long way to fall before it reaches the wading pools below it.
There are two of these water falls in a square in Chicago. I believe it’s in Millennium Park. In the are that the two fountains face each other they literally display peoples faces.
The art museum had a project last year where you could go in and have your face filmed. They asked participants to close their eyes and purse their lips. When that image is displayed on the fountains water comes out of the mouth. It’s very cool.
by Chris
My wife wrote a post on her site about how she wants us to get a dog one day. She’s got her eye set on a Boston Terrier, but I don’t know, if we were ever to get a dog I think that I might like a Basset Hound. I think they’re more my kind of dog.
Since she’s getting her heart set on a new pet I decided to do a bit of research and found myself on The Dog Guide. Just as I suspected they say that while Basset Hounds have been bred to be hunting dogs,commonly hunting animals such as the hare, rabbit, fox, pheasant, and opossum, they are also a generally calm and easy going breed.
We’re hoping to have children so if we decide to get a dog it must be a breed that’s known to get along well with young children and luckily the Basset Hound does have that reputation. They can be stubborn, but overall tend to be very affectionate dogs where their owner is concerned.
Since I’ve had a few scares with larger dogs I’m not interested in getting a large dog, so again the basset being a medium sized dog is perfect for our needs.
We enjoy being outside and so does the Basset Hound. It’s apparently a bit of a lazy dog while indoors, but like most dogs quite enjoys it’s time outside. I’m pretty sure if we got one it would not only get daily walks but some time outside in our garden.
If the Basset Hound gets a moderate amount of exercise and isn’t allowed to get heavy it sounds like it might have few problems as it ages. One that does gain weight or gets out of shape can get weak hind legs due to the strain of it’s long body. This weakness can even lead to paralysis. Foot infections and eye ailments occurs occasionally as well.
Compared to some dogs that seem to have a lot of problems as they age the Basset hound doesn’t sound like a hard breed to care for if you keep them in shape and I suppose keep an eye out for foot and eye problems.
I don’t know if, or when we might get a dog, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to do some research in advance to find a dog breed that suites your lifestyle.
Now I’ve gotta see if I can change my wifes mind about her choice of dogs.
by Chris
Single college moose seeks fun, attractive moosette
A moose that wandered onto the Northern Michigan University campus and broke a dormitory window might have been looking for love in all the wrong places.
City police chased the animal away one evening last month after the incursion at Magers Hall, Detective Capt. Mike Angeli said. It was unclear whether the moose got inside the building.
“It’s not unusual for a moose to do something like this now,†said Dean Beyer, a Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist who has an office at Northern Michigan. “We’re in the middle of the mating rut right about now.
“Moose, especially a young bull moose, will move long distances,†he said. “They could be searching for a cow to mate with, or simply be a young bull dispersing after being chased away from its herd and looking for a new home range.â€
We’ve had experience with moose wandering over to our cottage and looking in the windows, but none have ever managed to get inside. Moose are huge animals, I certainly wouldn’t want one wandering around my rooms, particularly if it were rutting season.