I keep hear about Myspace all the time. A lot of my friends have Myspace accounts but you know what? I haven’t ever been all that thrilled with what I’ve seen there. On top of that, if I had kids I don’t think I’d like them hanging out on Myspace either since one of the things that I hear about the site is that a number of sexual predators lurk there trying to entice young boys and girls to either show them some skin or meet them in RL.
So I was pleased when I heard about Spectorsoft.com and their product that’s virtually a Myspace spy letting parents safely track what their child is doing on Myspace – from what sites they visit on Myspace, to comments and messages they receive as well as monitoring passwords, logins and keystrokes. You can basically use it to tell you everything someone did while they visited Myspace.
I think having software such as this on your computer would allow you to keep and eye on your child from time to time- just to check and see that they aren’t accidentally getting involved with a predator type of Myspace member, or to make sure they aren’t giving out too much personal information while online.
At least if you knew what your kids were doing you could sit down and talk to them about and tell them why it’s dangerous to do such and such an activity.
Check out the Spectorsoft software for Myspace if you are interested in keeping your kids safe.