Startled hikers, bikers and hoseback riders in Saratoga Ca. have been asking about a jogger that has been seen streaking through an open space preserve wearing only sneakers, a black tam hat and glasses.
“He passed me and said `Good evening,'” said equestrian Sue Bowdoin, who spotted the naked man, middle-aged and sporting a pale paunch, while riding her horse, Randy, on a trail in Fremont Older Open Space Preserve last summer. “I thought: Ugh!”
A number of park users have reported seeing the naked man over the last year and half, rangers have yet to identify and arrest the man for exposing himself.
Most people have said he’s polite and doesn’t do anything other than run in the nude.
A woman who saw him said he looked scared and backed away after she cornered him with her horse and told him he was offending people.
People who use the park regularly have not reported recent sightings in the cold weather, but they theorize he may be incognito because he is clothed. With dark hair, sweaty red skin and lack of body hair, he is easily recognizable, Bowdoin said.
“He’s frumpy. Plain. Not in good physical shape,” Bowdoin said. “It’s not a pretty sight.’