Doesn’t it seem that just about every day you get an email, or perhaps a regular mail offer for new credit cards? While I agree that in this day and age credit cards seem to be a necessary evil as you often need them for major purchases and certainly for most online purchases, I’m tired of being slammed with offers day in and day out.
At least once a week there’s a new offering in my mail stating that I’ve qualified for new 0% credit cards. How many credit cards can one person possibly have? On second thought don’t answer that, as I know that there are a number of people out there with 10 or more credit and charge cards.
Me? I have one credit card. That’s it. It offers 0% balance transfers, and I try to pay more than the monthly payment, or the whole balance whenever I can.
Maybe all these offers just burn me a little bit because there was a time when I had no credit, and back then it was almost impossible to get a credit card if you had either no credit or worse – bad credit. Now just about anyone can get a card.
Is the fact that just about anyone can get a credit card a good thing? Or is it a bad thing? What’s your opinion?