Did you catch this little guy in the recent “Dark Knight” batman movie?
I’ve heard he was the stand-in or possibly the stuntman er … stunt dog?
He looks a little confused in this shot if you ask me. Maybe they were going over the scene directions?
Odd news, Strange Animals, Funny pictures, Dumb Criminals
by Chris
by Chris
Now here’s a great idea for the kids to get out of going to school!
A while back teens in Carlsbad, California weren’t able to get into their high school classes. The school has 100 door and every single one was glued shut!
It took the vandal all night to pull off the sticky trick. Whoever did it finished the job before the first staffers arrived at 6:30 a.m.
It took the janitors hours to unseal each door.
by Chris
Visit Matthew at Meltwater. Torrents. Meanderings. Delta or else I might have to send this police officer after you! You should see the AFTER picture!