Last year I planted some hybrid columbines (Aquilegia) in my garden. They didn’t really do much last year. Oh they produced a few flowers, but nothing hinted at how delightfully gorgeous they would be this year when they bloomed!
They came up in clumps, thick with these beautiful rose pink flowers. Aren’t they just gorgeous? I want to cut some and put them in a vase, but I don’t think they’d last long that way. However, in the ground they seem to be lasting forever. They’ve already been blooming for about two weeks and there’s no sign of them stopping any time soon.
Great photo! They’re beautiful flowers, and you got the focus, composition, and colors just right. I’m liking the cool, slightly bluish tones.
Such a great shot. I ordered a new Canon 450D which is arriving tommorrow, so I will be trying to get shots like this soon. What lens type was it? Macro?