The crocuses that I grow in my back yard are just about finished blooming. It’s sad in a way as they are so pretty and being one of the first flowers to bloom in my garden they are one of the sure signs of spring for me each year.
I love how the sunlight lights up the petals of these pretty purple crocuses. You can even see the shadow of other petals if you look closely.
Flawless beauty. If only I have those in my backyard. Well, maybe I should start growing a few different flowers. How do you even maintain those flowers?
Absolutely stunning photos. It’s always difficult for me to get good closeups so I really admire these.
long gone here — but they seemed to be very stunted this year. I think the heavy snow confused them.
When the snow finally melted, my neighbor had primrose blooming under it. I was shocked.
Pamela was it warmer than usual once the snow melted? If it was perhaps that’s why the crocuses were stunted or maybe lack of moisture in the summer or fall?
Mine were great this year – large size, vibrant colours. The ones on the front lawn (shady area) haven’t come up yet though and I’m beginning to wonder if they will or not. Strange.
Wow, breathtaking picture. How do you do closeups with such detail included?
Fantastic Capture! I love the light in this shot…it adds a great deal of life to it.