I can’t believe what you can find out there online.
I was writing a post today and as usual, drifted into la la land. Or should I say down memory lane.
I came across this guys site and he had the same amp that I had when I was in grade 7, I think. It was called a Sears-Simpson 12-watt head .
This amp was purely for looks. It had a huge cabinet that was very impressive to look at for the uninitiated guitar player wanna be. I do believe it only had a 12 inch speaker but the big black box made it look like many more were hiding in there.
I just kept this thing around and used it to play through until I was given my HIWATT. After a while I had a great idea on what to do with this under utilized big black box. I just to put it underneath my HIWATT to make it look even bigger. Boy was I the cat’s meow back in the day.
The speaker box was very light but durable. I never tried to hook it to the HIWATT because I thought that the speaker cones (the little round things in the middle of speakers) would end up being shot out it to the other side of a room.
This is the amp that I had to use my BOSS Distortion DS-1 with because it had no distortion on it at all. Now I know why it didn’t, because it was a bass guitar amp! This was a true case of size over substance.
Keep on Jammin’
hey there, this is the closest thing i found to an amp I’ve been looking for
I’m looking for info on the Sears Simpson model 26131 looks the same as
this one but is is the small combo type 9 to 12 watts wondering what year
these are made and anything else you can offer
Wow Joel, it’s neat to see that someone else has used a Sears Amp before LOL!!!
This thing wasn’t the greatest sounding amp as I recall. My sears amp was more of a bass amp with a lot of treble to the sound. I can’t even remember were I got it from?
Being a young rock player I, like most kids in those days, fell in love all amps that had really BIG CABINETS! After my parents, God love both of them, bought me a HIWATT 50 Watt half stack, I put that cabinet on top of this one. Everyone thought it was SO COOL and also fell in love with it!
I hope that if you find it, you will come back to this post and put another comment on what is is like. I wish that I could help you in your search. Best of luck my friend!
Keep on Jammin’
Like most of us in our 50’s I also started with a Silvertone from Sears. Give my right arm to have that guitar, however, I do have my amp. Followed me for all those years. My son uses it now. It is the 26131 model, and is is good shape considering the year. My son has a Line 6 and a Fender Reverb, but he uses the little silvertone for everything he records. Go figure. When I was a kid we could only look at the Fender’s. Back then music stores wouldn’t even let a kid pick up a guitar or try an amp. Cheers, John
Hey John, I just did a little search for you amp, the 26131, and I couldn’t find anything on it yet. If you’ve got a pic, could you send it to me?
I used mine for garage playing bands for a while then when I got my 1/2 stack HIWATT 50 watt Bulldog, I just put the cabinet on the bottom and placed the HIWATT cabinet on it and it looked really cool!
Thanx for the comment and I hope to hear from you soon, cheers!
Too funny, I just found one today,the combo model # 26131, I too cant find anything on the web about it except for this one post! For 10$ I grabbed it and it doesn’t even have a nick on the tolex!! It’s like new. For a giggle I’ll plug it in later.
This is not the first sears amp I bought. My first one had an orange face if I remember correctly, used to be fun to piggy back them and take the speaker wire from one and run it to the second amp input!! Got tons of distortioned doing that
lotta noise from a small set of boxes!!
Thanks for the smiles.
I’m glad you like it Bob. I wonder what this one sounded like?
hello i have a bigger version of this, this is the model 26138 in awesome condition, 2 x 12 ” original cab, any one have infos ? thanks !
I have the model 26138 but i just have the head. 30 watts. best reverb tank on this head. i play a tokai vintage strat copy that is nicer than most real strats! does anyone know what the output in ohms for the speaker is? thanks. oh yeah i just put money down on a new epiphone firebird limited edition korina wood that i plan to make scream through my 26138!