It is just too funny to watch someone put Keith Richards in his place! He is just too funny, I love how he just pisses Keith off so much that you think it may end up with blows being thrown! Chuck Berry is the only guy in the world that could actually put Keith in his proper pecking order of guitar players. Enjoy, I did.
Keep on Jammin’
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Ha ha haaaaa! I thought Keith was going to lose it there a few times when Chuck was poking him to ‘get it right’ – that would have been hilarious to see!!
Good to see even the legends have their moments in a jam session…
Hey Remodeling King, I remember seeing this documentary called “Hail, hail Rockin’ Roll” many years ago. This video on Youtube captured that moment which stood out the most in my mind. I just had to rewind it many times to look at Keith’s facial and body language and I was just crying with laughter and tears in my eyes! I would have done anything in the world just to have been there and witness this epic musical drama, flash right in front of me.
That truly was a legendary jam session that, thank God, someone video tapped for prosperity. The look on the keyboardists face was priceless.
I am still trying to find out who this guy was because I would love to ask him what was the atmosphere in the room was like at that moment in R & R history. If you find out who he is, please tell us will ya!
Keep on Jammin’
Ahhh Steve … Very good question! I tired to find out when it did happen with no luck. If you happen to stumble across it PLEASE get back, now you got my mind a racing!
Keep on Jammin’
The movie was released in ’87. The Stones recorded Carol in ’64, yet Chuck STILL thinks he needs to get it right! Keith does better Berry than Chuck does! :0
Ohhh, nice zinger there cm! I still think Chuck has a few tricks up his sleeve as well. It’s just priceless to see someone put Keith on his heels, wish I was there when that one went down!
Keep on Jammin’
Snap! That was great. I’m a stones fan and all but it was very cool seeing Keith like this. Absolutely priceless.
Well, I think Keith took it in the right spirit. He obviously knows you’re never too old or too big to learn.
Hey Worship Guitar, I’m glad that you liked it! When I first saw the video, it was way too funny!
I sure hope he did Ricky. The look on his face when he was getting blasted was priceless. I would have killed to be in the room when that conversation was going on! Oh to be a fly on the wall!
You Rock Ricky!
The piano player is the legendary Johnny Johnson, long time keyboardist for Chuck Berry. He later recorded an album with Keith Richards that included “Key to the Highway” Great blues jams with Keith and a bluesy piano.
Nice one Dan! That is the stuff that I am always looking for on this blog GREAT COMMENTS! I’m gonna do a little searching on that guy right now thanx brother!
The weird part is Chuck used to tour around using “pick-up bands” showing up 10 minutes before show time and never rehearsing.
When the chips were truly down though it’s clear who the boss was and “who” knew how to play “what” correctly.
Berry is probably the only rock musician on the planet who could put Richard in his place.
Now that is a real neat comment about Chuck bluesborn. Now did you know that? Did you jam with the man himself or just heard of this through the old grapevine? Love to hear more about it my friend!
Keep on Jammin’ bluesborn!
I know this was posted a while ago but I just came across it and thought I’d comment. A few things to point out. Chuck Berry was Keith Richards number one guitar hero when he was learning to play. I’m sure there were mixed feelings when Chuck was telling him what to do, but ultimately he seemed to have taken it in stride and everyone’s happy at the end. And yes it’s true that Chuck Berry would play
Keith was the guy who put the band together for Chuck’s 60th birthday party. It’s really his band. Look who the players are. Steve Jordan, Bobby Keys, Chuck Leavell. These are all guys that either played on Keith’s solo albums, on Stones albums, or both.
At least according to Keith’s book, Keith was the one who suggested Johnny Johnson to Chuck as they had not played together for many years. That also revitalized Johnny Johnson’s career.
Say what you will about Keith Richards. I don’t think he has been a terribly nice human being, so I can’t really say I’m a fan. But just like Chuck Berry, he was able to create a unique sound that has become immortal. Chuck Berry may have been his master but look how far Keith has taken the music.
Very interesting point that you make about the band being Keith’s. I did not know that. It still was an amazing video!
Thanx for the comment Erik!