This is another song from Saga that we played in Pylis. The song starts up with an acoustic guitar that then goes into an electric. My Gibson RD Artist fulfilled that dual roll quite admirably I must say.
It wasn’t until recently that I re-visited this song on my Larrivee L-03 acoustic.
The lyrics were just fascinating to listen to and the guitar forms are much more complex then I remembered. As you may or may not know, I’m not a lyricist by any stretch of the imagination. I just pay attention to the level of difficulty of the guitar, the overall structure and emotion that a song provides.
Later on I will start teaching people how I “interpret” how a song is played. So check out this song, and try to pick out all of the guitar progressions and remember them when I start video taping my version.
Keep on Jammin’
I had been completely unaware, up until now, that Simon Cowell had played drums for Saga
Martin, you learn a new thing everyday!
Keep on Jammin’