Well ya know, men have this saying about women and here it is for all to ponder! “Women may not always be right …….but their never wrong!”
This statement certainly rings true for the many music aficionados that contemplate “who is/was” the finest Canadian Rock & Roll music of our time. We are the ones who still hold the torch high from the glory days gone by. And we pledge an undying allegiance to the band that is/was “truly Canadian”.
These guys helped convey the thoughts and dreams of a youthful country desperately looking for it’s identity! They held and cherished us as a mother would her child. They are “MAX WEBSTER“!!! Or for the more refined followers, THE TORONTO TONTOS. Ah those little Rascals!
While going up as a young lad in Brantford, I had seen some of the best bands of my time! Pink Floyd, Yes, The Band, The Rolling Stones, the Who but the only band not to reach those lofty heights are Max Webster.
I’ve talked to a number of Canadian music aficionados who ramble off the bands that they have seen in action and the Mighty Max is among them. Even most passing acquaintances have told me that they have witnessed Canada’s premier band as matter of fact!!! This I much admit REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!!
Why not me God! What the purgatory did I do to deserve this cruel and un-Canadian punishment!
Keep on Jammin’
I looked at Kim on his Wikipedia page, he’s totally bald. Cool.
If ya think that he looks great you should try listening to his genius on any Max Webster album there Martin!
In my eyes Kim is the heart and soul of the band but without each other, he may have had a more difficult time at making timeless Canadiana.
The band as a whole compliments each other in ways that others bands only dream of. The way they flawlessly transition from one part of a song to another is magical. Individually they are the tops in their field for this time period.
Max Webster R.I.P.
Keep on Jammin’