Well maybe it’s time to pull out the old sequined hot pants, 12-inch records, mirror balls and platform shoes from where ever you saw them last? Is Disco really back or is it just a pipe dream?
The record labels and the so-called people in the know and says it is back! Should we listen and be very afraid OR should we embrace this as a long lost, more then mis-understood cousin? I have mixed feelings.
Ever since disco started up, I kept listening for some crazy guitarist to jump in and blow me away. but I was just left hanging … for quite a while! Being as nieve back then as I was, I sorta was looking for a different style to come out of no where to bring to my arsenal of techniques to use when I was playing with different bands. The Rolling Stones started to jump on this bandwagon with their disco version of “Miss You”, but they fell far too short of my expectations.
I realize that the point of music is to sooth the savage beast in all of us. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, or so they say. But the most important thing that we have to recognize and acknowledge about any genre of music that it has the proper end result, is someone actually enjoying it?
Way back in the day, (back when I got hit by a school bus, true story here kidz) I had a buddy of mine whose parents had more dollars then sense and they gave their kids basically anything they wanted. Now this is where it gets scary, disco was all the rage and my buddy asked his parents to get a dance floor like Saturday Night Fever and guess what … they did! This thing was 1/4 the size of the dance floor of the above mentioned movie with the lights under the floor, attached to this light organ thingy with 1000 watt speakers to boot! It was really impressive and yes, I did the line thing at least once or twice … I think?
The matriarchs of disco and both crowned “Queen of Disco”, Donna Summers and Gloria Gaynor are both coming out with new disco music for June and I guess that will help get the ball, or should I say disco ball rolling!
So tell us if you are FOR or AGAINST the return of DISCO into our lives. Was once enough or is it something old is something new?
Keep on Jammin’
The burning question in my mind is what happened to your buddy’s dance floor!
Ah, now that is a question that I would love to know today there Pete! I would love to go back and see this guy’s basement again. It would bring back a flood of good and bad memories.
I wish that we had a video camera way back then, but the prices for these things were far out of our means back then. Next time I go back to Brantford, I’ll pop back to his parents home and take a little looksie, I’ll make sure that I bring my cameras with me this time! Wish me luck.
Keep on Jammin’
Fans of disco , have wanted this for so long.
And now its happening…
If you observe closely you will see various signs, more and more often last few years there have been small signs of what is coming in future.
I still remember when Dj Spiller and Sophie Ellis Bextor had thier Groovejet in air. The 1# hit that year!
And Sophie Ellis Bextor have done some good attempts on following up the success.
Thats just one artist, Jamiroquai have done it for years. Recently a new disco project called Hercules and Love affair have produced the single “Blind” with moderate success.
Its not quite mainstream yet, and will maybe not be.
But anyone claiming disco is dead is lieing.
JUst a matter of time … groove on! ;P
We love it Tricorn, we love it!
Thanx for spending the time to bring us up to speed on these things … honestly.
Keep on Jammin’
YES IT IS BACK! modern artists are starting to catch onto it and im so excited. Disco is back and here to stay with no bad campaigns!
Well let’s not jump the gun on the bad campaigns just yet Taylor.
There still are those rednecks just lurking in the background just waiting for something to use as evidence. Maybe we just have to ignore them and hope they’ll go away. Remember what happened to SOME of M. Jackson’s music. If we ignore something long enough, it will go away.
Keep on Jammin’
Man i remember the disco days. I am a jam skater. There are some great song to skate to with some cool guitar tunes from the disco days.
I never heard of a Jam Skater until now Mike. Neat stuff sir!
Keep on “Jam”min’ or skating in your case
Well if You watch the House Music scene for some time, You’ll sure find that disco is pretty much alive in this genre.
I don’t follow House Music that much but there are more then a few acts that have gotten my attention Klub. Maybe I should be looking in that direction, thanx!