This is a question that has been going through my mind for ages now. I’ve asked this question to many people that use this service that are quite internet savvy and the answer that most of them reply with is they sell adds on their site. Ok, that I understand but what is another monetary generator that they have at their disposal?
My wife, who has the most keen internet mind that I know, always tell me to not watch too many tunes on Youtube. I told her that I use this site in order to find other ways to play a tune, that will help me change it up if I play the song live OR just to to be a more well rounded guitar player. At first I asked her why and she said that we have to keep close attention to the bandwidth that we use watching things on Youtube. If we go over the band width too much, then the our ISP will bump us up to a more expensive package! Really, I said?!
You have a site that has millions of people uploading and downloading daily! They put up anything THAT THEY deem important and it is saved on this site for God knows how long.
First of all, imagine how many hard drives that these guys use? They obviously have many locations that support their servers, that must cost a few bucks. Then, try to wrap your head around that bandwidth issues that they have?! And I’m worried about mine! I also wonder if they use any RAM in their servers? Humm?
Personally, I think that they must get some HUGE kick backs from your local ISP (Internet Service Provider). Your provider makes more money when you overextend your bandwidth and Youtube provides the tool to help you blow by your coverage?!
What do you think about this concept?
Keep on Jammin’
I’m pretty sure You Tube isn’t getting any money from the ISP’s, maybe a thank you or Christmas card, but not any cash. (I know for a fact my ISP doesn’t charge extra or do an auto bump to a higher level for bandwith reasons).
Remember that You Tube is part of the Google Family, and are a great place for google to throw a bunch of adsense ad’s that will get clicks and get them paid. If YouTube were not part of the Google family I would worry – but as part of the google fam they probably are well on their way to accounting for more than the $1.65 Billion google paid for them.
Agreed with The Nooge, most people with DSL or cable connections aren’t limited by bandwidth anymore, although those days may quickly be coming. But Youtube does make plenty of money off of its new ad platform (the little ads you see on the videos). Its cool that they share the revenue though!
Youtube makes a lot of money from those people who are visiting the site and viewing the videos of their desire and i guess it’s not just little amount of money, it’s a very amount that’s what i thinks.:)
Yep Youtube is part of Google and is easily the largest Video search site in the world. They make money from the ads on the pages as well as newer ads inside the videos.
Big Guys can also direct purchase ads on Youtube which are extremely targeted (such as Mylie Cyrus etc).
Kiwibloke (Ovation Elite 6868 Standard)
Chris’ wife here …
Re the bandwidth issue … yes our isp ( does have a bandwidth limit. For our package we are allowed up to 60 gig. Now that’s a lot, but I work on the net about 18 to 20 hours a day and use 20 to 30 gig of our bandwidth a month on my own or more due to the files I download for my work and sites. If Chris is also viewing a lot of videos for blog research our bandwidth usage goes up. We’ve had a few months recently when we used up 85 to 90% of our bandwidth.
Things that make you go grrrrr….Rogers….grrrrr
Your probably right Nooge. I just can’t help but think how else does they make money? This post was really just a silly question that some people ask me about once in a while so I decided to address the question here!
Have a good one Nooge
Orange Amps Rock, BTW I’ve tried an orange amp out in the early 70’s and it was quite old then, sounded real nice!
In comment #5, my wifes chimes in and it does piss me off a bit that our ISP is so cheap! Bandwidth issues really suck!
Keep on Jammin’ my friend
Good point mercblogger!
Was just browsing through guitar related blogs.
Since you were thinking about this
Read the Wikipedia page:
One of the largest Google data centers is located in the town of The Dalles, Oregon, on the Columbia River, approximately 80 miles from Portland. Codenamed “Project 02”, the new complex is approximately the size of two football fields, with cooling towers four stories high.[15] The site was chosen to take advantage of inexpensive hydroelectric power, and to tap into the region’s large surplus of fiber optic cable, a remnant of the dot-com boom.
Now I did not know that SowndofDeth, thanx.