So the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) is up to their old crazy ways are they? These people … have to be smokin’ something else other then tobacco. Please just read the below caption.
Three months after the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission told MuchMusic it can’t air fewer music videos than it already does, the same federal agency has denied a request to play more of them on a cable music channel that’s become a launching pad for dozens of independent Canadian artists. Vancouver Sun
This story was in the Vancouver Sun on February 15, 2011. How does a decision like this happen. Who actually calls it? What was their reasoning behind it?
I like watching Aux TV. The amount of indie acts are great and I think this kind of platform is desperately deeded around here. I’ve been watching AUX TV since Oct 2009 and although I’m not a huge dedicated fan, I like the change it brings to my TV entertainment.
Can someone out there tell me how/why the CRTC came to this conclusion?
Keep on Jammin’
Hi there, thanks for the mention. All of us at AUX are a bit confused by the decision, we just want to play more videos, which means more Canadian artists would get play (which the CRTC ought to support) and Much clearly does not have a lot of concern about that, so this is the CRTC caught up in its own red tape.
Founder, AUX TV
No problem at all Raja! I just want to thank you for bringing us AUX TV.
I just hope that the CRTC gives their collective head a good shake and let you do what you kids do great which is providing excellent program to Canadians and the world!
Keep on Jammin’ AUX TV