There is this kid named Julian Pavone who plays the drums … the only thing is this guy is 6 years old in this video! I read about this kid by browsing through Google News service a couple of minutes ago.
Julian starts off in this video of his with one tough piece to perform on the drums called 50 Ways to Leave your Lover by Paul Simon with one of the best drummers in the world, Steve Gadd. First off playing anything that Steve Gadd does on drums is difficult enough for a grown man but one that is only 6 is very impressive.
The little guy then shows off his talent performing a funky tune called Turn by Chaka Kan and Rufus. Julian then ends the video with Shake your body down by Michael Jackson. I’d love to see what else Julian has in his musical sleeve of songs? Do you think he takes request? How about a little bit of la Villa Strangiato by RUSH from Hemispheres Julian?
Just sit back and watch this kid blow you away.
Keep on Jammin’
Hi Guitar Licks,
Thank you for your kind words. I love your site too!!!
No thank you Julian!
So what do you think about my request for you to pull off some RUSH tunes? Personally anything from A Farewell to Kings or Hemispheres would hit the spot!
Keep on Jammin’ Julian Pavone!
Wow! That kid is crazy good. Thanks for the great post!
My dad has me working on Tom Sawyer just for Guitar Licks! I will keep you posted.
Julian that would be the cats meow if you would be so kind! Sorry for not replying back to you any faster.
I think everyone here would will be waiting with bated breath Julian!!!
Keep on Jammin’ Julian!
I know this kid Julian is the real deal Jason. Just imagine what level he’ll be at later on in his career? Scary isn’t it!
Thanx Jason
Let’s do a Guitar Licks Concert!
How about a RUSH tune called la Villa Strangiato, unplugged?!
Hi Chris, I just learned Tom Sawyer from my drum teacher George Dunn.