I am a non violent person who has never hit anyone. I tend to turn the other cheek and it takes a hell of a lot to get me mad, just ask anyone who knows me,but this time I have to take a stand!

A Canadian company called MDA, makes the pride of this country, “The Canadarm”. For many years, we the Canadian people have cheered on this great piece of Canadiana! This is company who has received 100’s of millions of our hard earned tax dollars to research, develop and make this extraordinary piece of space technology. Never since the Avro Arrow has the average Canadian been more proud of a product they can call their own!
How can the ruling government of Canada, the Conservative Party (the same ones who dismantled the Avro Arrow), do the same stupid thing twice? Once again these idiots are running and ruining the Canadian High Tech industry!
Here is a 1-800 number and e-mail to contact these bastards to let them know how you feel, it’s your right, your tax dollars and our pride on the line here folks!
Keep on Jammin’