In early March my wife and I and her brother spent a fantastic Sunday doing things outdoors since the weather was so nice. I think it reached 19 C (66 F) that day which is extremely warm for Toronto, especially in March.
It was so nice that we actually took our dog to the beach so she could swim and play around in the waters of Lake Ontario.
After our trip to the beach we all felt hungry. I’d noticed that Stratengers Bar and Restaurant on Queen Street had it’s patio open when we drove by it earlier so I suggested that we go there to get something to eat. That way our dog could sit on the patio with us too.
We parked our car on a street just off off Queen St. East called Bertmount Ave, and it was on this street that we saw one of the most strangely decorated houses that any of us had ever seen!
It’s a good thing my wife had her camera with her because once I saw this house I knew I’d want to share it with you!
Here have a look for yourself:
Walking towards the house we just thought it had a lot of Christmas decorations up, a little late, but ok … but as we got closer we noticed it was so much more than just Christmas decorations …
There’s Easter, Halloween and just about any holiday that people decorate their houses for displayed in decorations on the front of the house. Not only that, but there’s a multitude of stuffed animals, action hero dolls, toys, plaques, signs etc …
Here’s a shot of the house from the middle of the street just to give you the scope of just HOW decorated this house is:
And a closer view …
Please feel free to click on these pictures to see a larger image. For this last one it’s almost a must if you want to see just how jam packed the decorations really are!
If someone wants to decorate there house that’s fine by me … but I’m glad I don’t live next door to, or even on the same street as this house as I imagine that if we wanted to sell our house we’d have some trouble getting our asking price with this house in the neighborhood! LOL
BTW when we finally got to Stratengers after a big picture taking session we had a nice meal and while talking to our waitress and then the owner of the restaurant we found out that Nash the Slash, the musician, goes to this restaurant almost every day. I expressed an interest in meeting him and just before we were about to leave the Restaurant owner came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder and with him was Nash the Slash – no bandages or makeup. He was really nice … check out the post I wrote about meeting Nash the Slash on my guitar blog.
All in all it was a very interesting day. I love it when an unplanned day turns up interesting and unexpected things.
Do you have any oddly decorated houses in your neighborhood? Care to share some pictures? Feel free to use the contact form to tell me about your odd stories and pictures and then we can set something up for posting.
Terribly strange decoration. I have never seen this kind of decoration before.
That is a unique way of decorating your house!! At least they dont have a mad rush to get the decorations out for any particular season beause they are already there!!
Hahahah, This is amazzzzzing!
It must of taken ages to collect all of those!
wow amazing .. never seen strange decoration like that.thank for sharing.great post.
Whoah! overdecorated house! Very strange yet funny…
Wow!! What a beautiful home! It gives the illusion that your life is more interesting than it really is.
It’s like a doll store sale
I think they love the doll very much, the collections are so many.
That is the most strange odd decoration I’ve even seen. Kind of creepy, especially at night.
That is an extremely weird way in which to decorate a house. The crazy thing is it looks like it took a huge amount of effort to put these decorations up. If they were going for memorable, though, they accomplished the goal!
Reminds me of the scene in Toy Story when all the toys approached the boy named Sid in rage when he was about to blow up Buzz. I might have felt the same as Sid if i saw this house personally. BUT I was not a terrible toy owner back then… Nice share!
That looks more like OCD and/or their Hoarding has oozed out of the house! lol Still, it is interesting….? But attractive it is NOT!
Nice concept. I would also like to try that one on our house. Hopefully!
I agree that I would not want to be their neighbor. This is a little to overboard for me.
I just delivered some furniture to a customer on that street today and saw this house. I too found it very interesting and disturbing at the same time.
I spoke to the customer that lives very close to this house about it. I was told that there is an autistic child that lives in this house and he gets very upset when they try to take any of the dolls off the house.
got a few pictures at this spot.
a long time ago, my friend wanted to get some N the S paraphernalia so he took me to the address on the album. we knocked on the door and a guy answered. After a few minutes of my friend talking to him, he goes, “Wait. are you him?”
I didn’t know him that well but it was cool and very cool for my friend.