Did you realize that the CD turned 25 on August 17th?
I didn’t realize that they’d been around that long, but then again it also feels like they’ve been around forever.
I remember when they first came out. It seemed like an alien idea and I’m sure that many people thought they wouldn’t last. Well they did. I just wonder if they’ll continue to be around now that iPods and other forms of portable multimedia players have become so popular.
The CD gave us higher quality sound. CD’s are smaller than records so they took up less space in our homes.
All we had to do was figure out what to do with our record players. Do you still have a record player? I do.
I love it! CD’s were a great invention. Thanks for the trivia.
Wow, time flew by didn’t it? I can’t believe it’s been 25 years. Oh yes, I think they will become a thing of the past eventually. I also have a record player still though. I love the cracks and sounds – strange because the CD was made for it’s great sound quality.
Oh my gosh. I still remember buying my first cassette tape when they were new. “Freeze Frame,” by The J. Geils Band, if you want to know. I gave my records to The San Francisco Public Library when we moved east about a year ago. 25 years! I think I need an aspirin.
I still have a record player! I never use it, but I like knowing it’s there incase I ever get the urge to play my old 45s and LPs. I remember when CDs came out, and how they were like twice the price of records!
Reminds me of that scene from the Wedding Singer… “It’s a CD player Jewels, it plays CDs.”
What a great day and age to be alive.