Are you dissatisfied with how your Adsense ads are performing on your site?
Well one way to safely view the ads on your site the way people from other areas and countries might be seeing them is to use the Adsense Preview Tool. On the Adsense site you’ll be able to find the tool for Internet Explorer. You can also download this aAdsense preview tool for Firefox if that’s your preferred browser.
If you decide that you don’t like the ads that are being served to your pages you could go into your Google adsense account and block certain advertisers if you’d like, but there might be a better way to get ads that truly fit your sites content.
Try using Adsense Section Targeting.
When you use Adsense Section Targeting you can tell adsense to only draw ads from the contents in your posts. Plus you can use the adsense targeting code to block out your sidebars and or your sites header.
I’ve blocked the sidebars on all of my sites because there are so many things that say blog in the sidebars that for a while it seemed that all the ads had something to do with blog or blogging no matter which site I had them on or what was being discussed in the posts.
If you want to try it out for yourself go to the Adsense help pages and visit the Adsense section targeting information.
If that link doesn’t work for you try:
Look in the adsense help section when you’re signed in – help -> working with my ads -> improving performance -> Using features wisely -> Emphasize important content with section targeting -> click the link in the description in that page that says “The Full Instructions” to learn how to add some code to your template to target certain sections for ads or how to block other sections of your site or page.
If Adsense section targeting doesn’t give you enough control over your ads try using Adsense referrals as well. You can have ads that display Google products and or products from 100’s of other companies and services. You can even pick each product.
I’m using adsense to make money on my blog, but I’m also trying my luck in affiliate marketing, it seems though it really works out well. Although I still have to learn more about increasing your CTR rate.